I Tweet, Therefore I Am.

twiwtterAlmost ten years ago, the online social networking service ‘Twitter’ was created, transforming and revolutionising the public sphere. With a limited 140-characters, users were now enabled to send and read short messages called “tweets”, discussing issues of news and current events to everyday activities and lifestyles. However, modern skeptics scoffed at the concept, criticising the effectiveness of such a limited platform in conveying ideas. Twitter has since grown in popularity with the world’s most influential news organisations, journalists and publishing companies utilising the platform for a direct dialogue with their audiences. Some of the most influential and widely-recognised include the following:

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
A journalist at @The_Intercept, an author and self proclaimed ‘animal fanatic’, Greenwald’s tweets continuously delve into some of the most worthwhile subjects across the internet, frequently focused on civil liberties and human rights. Through this, he promotes his work and generates conversations by quoting those in question and voicing his opinions on controversies. #followgreenwald

Peter Greste (@PeterGreste)
An Australian journalist and foreign correspondent, Greste has worked for Reuters, CNN and the BBC all around the world. His tweets primarily consist of development in his career and his promotion of free speech and pardons for journalists, particularly with Al Jazeera. He is particularly concerned with the protection of journalists and the means by which we distribute and receive information. #followgreste

Paul Bradshaw (@paulbradshaw)
Writer Paul Bradshaw focuses on online & data journalism. His Twitter is heavy on politics and tries to reach out to current students in journalism. He utilises this platform as a means of promoting his online journalism blog, informing his audiences (particularly journalists),  and promoting education and understanding in the industry posting over 40 thousand tweets to date. If you are lacking inspiration or want to divulge in information. #followbradshaw